Wednesday 26 February 2014

cilvēks cilvēku var saprast, cilvēks diplomātu/politiķi - nē

Šodien mūsu āprlietu ministrs Edgars Rinkevičs tvītoja:

Krievijas vēstnieka Vešņakova izteikumi par bijušo VP Vairu Vīķi Freibergu nav pieņemami un ir nosodāmi, diplomātiem jābūt korektiem

Un viņam ir pilnīga taisnība no mūsu pasaulē izveidojušos un vispārpieņemto pārvaldes un politikas, staprkultūru komunikācijas aspekta. Bet cilvēks ir vairāk emocionāla un morāla nekā racionāla būtne un liela daļa arī pārsvarā dzīvo un rīkojas kā tādi. Tādēļ "vēsā" diplomātija daudziem šķiet sveša.

Un šis man nostiprināja pārliecību, ka Krievijas gan iekšējā, gan ārējā politika galīgi nav zemē metama, jo tajā tiek mērķtiecīgi ekspluatēts šis faktors. Un tad jau var panākt, ka, pat ja tev nav taisnība, tev tomēr ir taisnība, ja tu radi taisnības gaisotni ap sevi.

Liela daļa rietumu un arī austrumu politiķi izskatās mēreni atsaldēti uz tāda fona. Un, šķiet, ka visveiksmīgākie ir arī viscilvēciskākie.

Kādēļ es to visu rakstu? Laikam tādēļ, ka arvien vairāk nostiprinos domā, ka vēl labāk būtu, ja nebūtu nepieciešams politiķiem no sevis taisīt kaut kādas ideālas būtnes, kādas dabā nepastāv. Ka viņi varētu atzīt savas kļūdas, ka viņiem varētu būt emocijas un viņi varētu darīt savu darbu bez maskām, kādas patreiz jānēsā. Un VVF varētu būt vistuvāk šādam modelim no Latvijas politiķiem, Nils varētu būt nākmais piemērs, neskatoties uz citiem viņu plusiem vai trūkumiem.

Friday 21 February 2014

paper tickets are cheaper than etickets in latvia:

today i had to buy tickets for my team to hockey game


Dinamo Riga rules hardtime, everybody knows it in our province

i have bought tickets for myself previously to their games, online everytime

i have been pissed off very much by two factors every time i did it:
a) has a monopoly for selling tickets to Dinamo games
b) when you buy your ticket online, you pay extra fee for eticket compared to usual, printed one

they did nice touch introducing ticket app for mobile recently, i hoped this is the sign the print will go away soon (ups, sometime)


i had to buy 27 tickets; my logics said, buy online; my options were limited: company credit card

i felt fucked on almost every step of the purchase after i started it:
a) i was not allowed to put more than 8 tickets into basket... what 100 euros is some fraud limit? i have had internet transactions in thousands
b) interface suggested that after i have put 8 tickets into basket i can have more...
c) ok, i sill needed tickets, so i divided my purchase into 4 batches
d) guess what, each batch has fucking delivery fee, you cant avoid it even if you wish to get tickets digitally, 2 to 10 eur, multiply by 4 for me, fuck you
e) what boiled by brain today the most: previously you paid "the digital tax" to and you could have your ticket in your mobile app, today i was refused to have it digitally - you cant have it if you pay by credit card anymore, you must choose between different stupid delivery options: pick it up at venue, sent to office, whatever, stupid fucks
f) i had to enter my credit card info and the rest four times: name, number, expiry, ccv, internet bank id, password, validation code
g) they even doesnt bother to make their webpage function user-friendly or even stable - i had 1 situation of 4 times when my invoice did not show up - blank page was shown to me after transaction was confirmed...

i know latvia is known for being internet country and all, but is one of the most disappointing pieces of our digital world

to be straightforward and to put my summary emotion on table: stupid, stupid, stupid f...s, this is business latvian style

Thursday 6 February 2014

черная книга менеджера / IT manager's black handbook (seed for the real post I'll probably write sometimes)

This is very good read for anybody starting in IT management related position. I enjoyed it very much, especially because of close-to-real-world wording.

Sorry my non-russian speaking reader, this is not for you. Even thou translatable, but the feeling would be lost most probably. Maybe if somebody very talented...

Anyways, I know that significant part of people who could possibly find themselves reading this blog are russian reading, IT-related, management related. Enjoy!

PS I hope I have understood right that by saving the book to my Google drive and sharing it publicly I haven't offended any copyright. Let me know if I'm mistaken.

Monday 3 February 2014

sleeping gastro saving electricity weekend

Wanted to go snowboarding this weekend, but laziness took over. How can a person fight laziness? Decided not even to to try this time, so: sleeping, eating, drinking wine it was. Aside of need of digging a bit of snow. And trying to figure out something useful, just for balance. In this sense, my thoughts were circling mainly around rise of electricity price we expect soon because of liberalisation of electricity market in Latvia.

Here is a summary (not in the order of appearance):

  • tried to configure hdd standby for home server
  • configured smart-house for auto switch-off of hallway lights
  • understood that I can't live without my smart-house having at least on-off light sensor (I blew the original one), need to find a solution
  • for Saturday tried out this thai recipe in two modifications: a) chicken, very little curry paste, rice, spice level 1 b) seafood, 2 tsp curry paste, rice, lentils, spice level 5

  • tried this meat + grilled vegetables + mint sauce recipe for Sunday, because had to do something with mint sauce PS: there were no lamb in the proximity of Salaspils, so chicken fillet and pork chop it were
  • for wines it was French weekend, tried there 3, all drinkable, all noting special

and slept as much as I wanted :D